why do we do what we do? weddings are our strawberry jam. it’s why we’re doing this whole photography thing. we’re love seekers with open eyes. we’re looking for connections as well as pure and witty moments happening all over your wedding day. and not just you two, but your guests as well. (the filler of gaps in your life long story.) moments matter guys. REAL MOMENTS FREAKING MATTER. not forced Sears or Jc-penny portrait moments. we, personally, thrive on nostalgia. it’s kinda one of our favorite things. so we want to create nostalgic moments for you and with you. whether it’s your wedding day, engagement session or boudoir session. we want you to feel things when you see your galleries. we want you to remember your time with us as an experience, not just a “photoshoot”, and be connected to each other even deeper. we want you to see your photos no matter if its a month or years from when you were photographed, and be taken back. straight back. nothing is more exhilarating.. all of it. we’re there for it all. even uncle jim who is ripping it up on the dance floor to some Cardi B. okurrrrrt!